One Sided Love Quotes Biography
Love was a delicious blend of warm and cold. There was comfort in making love. It solved no problems: but one could run away from problems.
Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my heart
Love is blindness
U2, "Love Is Blindness"
Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.
Love is the key to felicity, nor is there a heaven to any who love not. We enter Paradise through its gates only.
Love is a very ancient force, which served its purpose in its day but no longer is essential for the survival of the species.
FRANK HERBERT, Heretics of Dune
I loved a being, an idea of my own mind, which had no real existence. I concreted this abstract of perfection, I annexed this fictitious quality to the idea presented by a name; the being, whom that name signified, was by no means worthy of this. This is the truth: Unless I am determinedly blind -- unless I am resolved causelessly and selfishly to seek destruction, I must see it. Plain! is it not plain? I loved a being; the being, whom I loved, is not what she was; consequently, as love appertains to mind, and not body, she exists no longer. I regret when I find that she never existed, but in my mind; yet does it not border on wilful deception, deliberate, intentional self-deceit, to continue to love the body, when the soul is no more?
PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, letter to Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Jun. 2, 1811
When love is reached through suffering ... it has a power it can never gain through innocence.
ANNE RICE, Memnoch the Devil
Who strikes man with love -- God or the Devil?
LEONID ANDREYEV, He Who Gets Slapped
Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness
U2, "Love Is Blindness"
There is little that comes so close to death as fulfilled love.
IVAN KLIMA, Love and Garbage
Love is free: to promise for ever to love the same woman, is not less absurd than to promise to believe the same creed: such a vow in both cases, excludes us from all enquiry.
True Love in this differs from gold and clay,
That to divide is not to take away.
Love is like understanding, that grows bright,
Gazing on many truths; 'tis like thy light,
Imagination! which from earth and sky,
And from the depths of human phantasy,
As from a thousand prisms and mirrors, fills
The Universe with glorious beams, and kills
Error, the worm, with many a sun-like arrow
Of its reverberated lightning.
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
One Sided Love Quotes
Love was a delicious blend of warm and cold. There was comfort in making love. It solved no problems: but one could run away from problems.
Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my heart
Love is blindness
U2, "Love Is Blindness"
Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.
Love is the key to felicity, nor is there a heaven to any who love not. We enter Paradise through its gates only.
Love is a very ancient force, which served its purpose in its day but no longer is essential for the survival of the species.
FRANK HERBERT, Heretics of Dune
I loved a being, an idea of my own mind, which had no real existence. I concreted this abstract of perfection, I annexed this fictitious quality to the idea presented by a name; the being, whom that name signified, was by no means worthy of this. This is the truth: Unless I am determinedly blind -- unless I am resolved causelessly and selfishly to seek destruction, I must see it. Plain! is it not plain? I loved a being; the being, whom I loved, is not what she was; consequently, as love appertains to mind, and not body, she exists no longer. I regret when I find that she never existed, but in my mind; yet does it not border on wilful deception, deliberate, intentional self-deceit, to continue to love the body, when the soul is no more?
PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, letter to Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Jun. 2, 1811
When love is reached through suffering ... it has a power it can never gain through innocence.
ANNE RICE, Memnoch the Devil
Who strikes man with love -- God or the Devil?
LEONID ANDREYEV, He Who Gets Slapped
Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness
U2, "Love Is Blindness"
There is little that comes so close to death as fulfilled love.
IVAN KLIMA, Love and Garbage
Love is free: to promise for ever to love the same woman, is not less absurd than to promise to believe the same creed: such a vow in both cases, excludes us from all enquiry.
True Love in this differs from gold and clay,
That to divide is not to take away.
Love is like understanding, that grows bright,
Gazing on many truths; 'tis like thy light,
Imagination! which from earth and sky,
And from the depths of human phantasy,
As from a thousand prisms and mirrors, fills
The Universe with glorious beams, and kills
Error, the worm, with many a sun-like arrow
Of its reverberated lightning.
One Sided Love Quotes

One Sided Love Quotes

Lessons In Life.Best Quotes And Poems Group
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